The Foundation at Monroe County Community College has awarded the Thomas K. and Marie (Cousineau) Keegan Memorial Scholarship to Abagale Huff. The $1,200 scholarship is to be used for tuition, books and fees.
Huff, of Carleton, is a 2022 graduate of Saint Mary Catholic Central High School. She is currently studying nursing at MCCC, where she was also dual-enrolled during her junior and senior years of high school. While a student at SMCC, she was involved with the school’s pro-life organization and activities to raise funds to assist mothers with financial needs. Abagale is the daughter of Teresa Huff and David Huff.
To be eligible for this scholarship, a student must be a resident of Monroe County, a U.S. citizen, a graduate of SMCC, have a grade point average of at least 3.2, expressed interest in community service, and demonstrates financial need. In addition, the student must maintain full-time enrollment status of at least 12 credit hours per semester during the Fall and Winter terms.
For more information on available scholarships and financial aid, visit or contact the MCCC Financial Aid Office at (734) 384-4135. If you are interested in information about funding a scholarship, contact The Foundation at MCCC at (734) 384-4214.