Tuition and Fees

MCCC’s in-district tuition rate is about one-third that of most four-year public colleges and universities. And, Monroe County residents who apply for admission and send ACT or SAT scores and high school transcripts to MCCC by April 15 will automatically be considered for the Trustee Merit Scholarship, which pays for up to $1,500 of tuition.* 

Billable Contact Hours:  MCCC determines the cost for attending a course by the course’s billable contact hours instead of credit hours.  A billable contact hour reflects the amount of time in a typical week during a full semester course that a student spends in direct contact with an instructor, laboratory equipment or other instructional setting. Billable contact hour information for each course can be found in the catalog under course information 

View MCCC Catalog 



Summer Semester 2025. MCCC’s Tuition and Fees are the following, which are subject to change by the Board of Trustees:

Residency Status

Cost (per contact hour)

Monroe County Resident (In-district)








Registration Fee


Technology Fee

$27.25/contact hour

Monroe County residents age 60 or over may enroll with a tuition grant that pays 50 percent of the tuition for any credit and non-credit college class. Registration, technology, lab, special fees and credit by exam fees are not subject to waiver and are the responsibility of the student. For more information, contact the Admissions and Guidance Office at 734.384.4104.

Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 Semesters. MCCC’s Tuition and Fees are the following, which are subject to change by the Board of Trustees:

Residency Status

Cost (per contact hour)

Monroe County Resident (In-district)








Registration Fee


Technology Fee

$27.25/contact hour

Monroe County residents age 60 or over may enroll with a tuition grant that pays 50 percent of the tuition for any credit and non-credit college class. Registration, technology, lab, special fees and credit by exam fees are not subject to waiver and are the responsibility of the student. For more information, contact the Admissions and Guidance Office at 734.384.4104.

Estimated Annual Tuition and Fees*









Registration Fee




Technology Fee








*Estimate based on attendance for Fall and Winter Semesters (24 contact hours total).  Other special course fees may also apply, depending on course selection.


Residency Status

Tuition will be assessed and collected according to the residency status of the student on the first day of the semester or the first day the student is officially enrolled after the first day of the semester. Requests for change of status must be submitted by that time.

Resident rates will be assessed in cases where: 

1. The student, or parents of a dependent student, own(s) either property or a business which is located within Monroe County (Michigan). 

2. The student’s tuition is paid by his or her employer and either the student or the employer is considered a county resident. (An employer is considered a county resident if that employer operates a business, or branch thereof, within Monroe County, Michigan). 

3. The student is considered a resident, defined as follows: 

  • The residence of a student who is a dependent follows that of his/her parent or legal guardian. Student must be claimed on current health insurance or prior tax return of parent/legal guardian. 
  • A person may qualify as a resident by residing: 1) six months within the state of Michigan, and 2) 30 days within a Monroe County (Michigan) precinct. If a person moves to another precinct within the county, he/she is still considered a resident of the county. 
  • Any individual using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill* - Active Duty Program), Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill*) of Title 38, United States Code, and/or the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. §3311 (b)(9)) who lives in the State of Michigan while attending Monroe County Community College (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) shall be charged no more than in-state tuition.

In cases where the residency of a student is considered in doubt, the student may be asked to provide proof in the form of: 1) up-to-date voter registration card, 2) a vehicle registration form (pre-printed by the Secretary of State), 3) a driver’s license, 4) an official communication from a municipal official indicating how long the student has resided in the county. Questions concerning individual cases in regard to these regulations should be directed to the registrar.

Paying for College

From the Students Menu on myWebPAL, select View Account and Make Payments from Tuition and Fees – Your Account for the amount due.

You have several options for making payment.

  1. Tuition Payment Plan described below.
  2. Payment by Financial Aid: All students with completed financial aid files prior to registering in myWebPAL will have their aid applied to tuition and fee charges after classes begin. Students who decide not to attend after registering for classes must contact the Registrar’s Office to cancel their registration. Students receiving financial aid are responsible for any charges not covered by their financial assistance.
  3. Payment through Finance Self-Service: You may pay by via Finance Self-Service by ACH from a checking or savings account. Credit or debit card payment is also accepted. A two percent convenience fee will be charged to the cardholder for credit or debit card payments. You may pay when you register (or later), as long as you pay before the payment deadline. You are responsible for either paying your fees or dropping your class(es).
  4. Payment in Person: You may pay at the cashier’s window on or before the deadline. The cashier accepts cash, checks, VISA, Discover Card and MasterCard. Cashier hours are listed on the office hours page. A two percent convenience fee will be charged to the cardholder for credit or debit card payments. This fee is a portion of the cost to MCCC for accepting credit cards as a form of payment. MCCC does not profit in any way from this fee.
  5. Payment by Mail: Payment by mail is only available to those whose payment is received by the tuition payment deadline for that semester. Make checks payable to MCCC for the exact amount of your tuition and fees. Include the student’s NAME and SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER or STUDENT ID NUMBER on the front of the check or money order, and mail to: Cashier’s Office, Monroe County Community College, 1555 South Raisinville Road, Monroe, Michigan, 48161-9746. If your check is returned for insufficient funds, a hold will be placed on your records until your account is up-to-date. There is a $15 charge for returned checks

There is a wide variety of scholarships available to MCCC students, so we encourage all students to apply. The good news is that the application process is completely online, and there is just one application! Learn more by exploring the Scholarships section of our website.



MCCC, in conjunction with the federal and state governments and private and civic organizations, offers a variety of scholarship, grant, loan and employment opportunities to assist students in financing their education.


In addition to low tuition and so many scholarships, MCCC makes college more affordable by allowing students to pay for tuition and fees over time. Our Tuition Payment Plan breaks down your tuition balance into affordable monthly payments. There’s no interest, payment options are flexible, setup fees are affordable and it’s easy to enroll.


Tuition and Technology Fee Refund Policy 

Summer 2025 Refund Information

Summer Semester Courses

100% Tuition Refund Thursday, May 15, 2025:  50% Tuition Refund Period, Friday, May 16  - Wednesday, May 21, 2025:  No Tuition Refund beginning Thursday, May 22, 2025.

A non-standard course is defined as a course that does not start or does not end on the semester start/ end date. If a course length is one to 13 days, the 100 percent refund will apply when withdrawing prior to the day of the first class meeting. No refunds will be issued after this time. If a course length is 14-63 calendar days, the 100 percent refund will apply when withdrawing on the first or second business day of the class. If withdrawing on the third or fourth business day of the class, students will receive a 50 percent refund. No refunds will be issued after this time.

Non-standard Courses

A tuition refund computation is not based on the amount paid, but on the total amount of tuition and fees assessed. If you have a tuition balance at the time you withdraw from class(es), the refund (if any) will be credited to your account. Lab fees are not refundable beginning with the 50 percent refund period.

The Registration Fee is non-refundable. NOTE: Some Math courses have a $100 fee. This fee is not refundable after your section of the class has met.