Riley Moody
Assistant of Marketing and Communication
Joe Verkennes
Director of Marketing
(734) 384-4207
The Foundation at Monroe County Community College has awarded the Milton G. Russell Memorial Scholarship to Maya Volpi. The scholarship of $1,050 is to be used for tuition, books and fees.
Volpi, of Monroe, is a 2022 graduate of Lakeshore High School, St. Clair, MI. She will be taking general education courses at MCCC. She was a Sunday school teacher at Millburg Christian Church. Maya is the daughter of Corey and Ellie Volpi.
To be eligible for this scholarship, a student must be a resident of Monroe County for a minimum of five years before they receive the scholarship, must maintain three-quarter time enrollment status of nine credit hours or more and demonstrate financial need. Priority will be given to applicants with a history of Attention Deficit Disorder.
For more information on available scholarships and financial aid, visit or contact the MCCC Financial Aid Office at (734) 384-4135. If you are interested in information about funding a scholarship, contact The Foundation at MCCC at (734) 384-4214.