Student Success Coaches

What can a Student Success Coach do for you?

At MCCC we believe in you. Student Success Coaches work with students to help you identify and utilize your strengths, empowering you to succeed and accomplish your academic goals.

Student Success Coaches can help you with goal-setting, skill-building and navigating campus resources.

Your Student Success Coach will work directly with you to provide individualized support that meets your needs in areas like: 

  • Helping you be proactive and empowered with course-related challenges
  • Providing referrals to academic support services (such as the Student Success Center) and other campus resources
  • Time management, study strategies and stress management
  • Making connections to campus engagement (such as student clubs and activities) and experiential learning opportunities
  • Budgeting, navigating financial processes and financial literacy
  • Career and major exploration, career development and goal setting

Your success coach is like your personal GPS.

As you navigate from where you are to where you want to be, coaches offer one-on-one guidance and support through:

  • Caring about all aspects of your well-being
  • Being a non-judgmental sounding board who provides honest feedback
  • Providing proactive outreach and communication of key MCCC dates, deadlines, and events

Contact a Success Coach



Student Success Coaches are made possible through generous funding from the DTE Energy Foundation.

The mission of the Student Success Coaching program is to supply an experienced professional Success Coach to students to support their development of skills for success in higher education. 

Contact Information

Admissions & Guidance Office


Building / Office IconS-101
Phone Icon (734) 384-4104


Fall and Winter Semesters
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Summer Semester
Mon - Thurs: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.