January 2024
Upcoming Events
MCCC has a number of events coming up; check them all out at the links below.
You Have Made a Wise Investment in Your Future
MCCC recently worked with a research firm to analyze the value of an MCCC education, and what we learned is that the investment you are making in yourself at MCCC is one of the wisest investments you can make with your money.
At MCCC, we know that going to college is a choice, and it is not always an easy one. Upon graduating high school, many students have very real financial responsibilities as they take care of themselves and their families.
After two years of full-time study at MCCC, a student can earn an associate degree and either:
- Enter the workforce, having invested less than $6,000* in tuition vs. $20,000 to $52,000, or
- Transfer credits to a four-year college and save $14,000 to $46,000 off the cost of a bachelor’s degree tuition.
*Nursing and some other degrees cost more
A college education has power to raise earning potential and increase employability:
- The average MCCC graduate earns $10,000 more each year compared to only earning a high school diploma.**
- The average MCCC associate degree graduate sees an annual rate of return of 19.5% on their education investment.**
**Lightcast, “The Value of an Associate Degree at MCCC," August 2023
Student Success Center Services Provide Excellent Support for Students
Monroe County Community College offers a variety of supportive services to all students. As we head into the Winter Semester, the staff in the Student Success Center want to be sure students are aware of each of these services and how to access them. Students who plan ahead are more likely to be successful.
Free Tutoring Available
MCCC offers free tutoring and academic skills help for all students in the new Student Success Center located in Founders Hall. Tutoring services are available Monday through Friday throughout the day and evening. One-on-one and group tutoring is available in-person and on-line via Zoom. All are welcome and encouraged to take advantage of our services. Visit the Student Success Center website to schedule your first appointment today. If you have questions, please contact Amanda Althouse, coordinator of student success, at aalthouse@monroeccc.edu or via phone at 734.384.4184.
Tutoring works! The college has an “Early Alert” system which allows faculty to recommend students who can benefit from tutoring and other services. The number of tutoring appointments continues to increase as more and more students are finding that they are benefiting academically from the using the service.
The Tutoring Center is hiring for Winter 2024. Working as a student tutor is a great on-campus job that allows you to keep up on your academics, help other students and add to your resume. If you are interested in working as a student tutor for winter 2024, please contact the Student Success Center.
Mental Health Services
MCCC offers mental health services on campus in partnership with Monroe Community Mental Health Authority. The services include:
Mental health screening:
- Referrals
- Crisis prevention and intervention
- Advocacy
Linking and coordinating to the following resources:
- Counseling / Therapy
- Health services
- Financial Assistance
- Housing
- Social Services
- Other services and natural supports

Amber Kreichbaum is the coordinator of the services for MCMHA on MCCC's campus. Her goal is to remove the stigma attached to the word mental illness and encourage students to feel comfortable seeking treatment.
Her office is in Founders Hall and can be reached via email at akreichbaum@monroeccc.edu or by calling 734.457.6014. She looks forward to working with anyone in need and wants all students to know that her door is always open.
MCCC to Offer Circles of Support for Diverse Groups on Wednesdays of Every Month Beginning in February
MCCC offers a Circles of Support program for students in diverse groups that are welcoming, supportive spaces to share experiences and tackle questions among peers. Circles are formed around a common thread, from the unique issues faced by students from different cultures to the concerns of students who are single parents or first-generation college students. These small discussion groups foster honest and open communication, help students broaden their social and professional networks, encourage discussion with fellow students that participants might not otherwise interact with on a regular basis and build connections and collaboration.
Circles of Support Meeting Days, Times and Location
All Circles will meet in the Safe Space: A Multicultural Center in the Warrick Student Center (Building S) from 12:30-1:30 p.m. on the following schedule (beginning in February 2024):
• Black Excellence Circle: Meets the first Wednesday of each month
• Latinos United: Meets the second Wednesday of each month
• Single-parent Scholars: Meets the third Wednesday of each month
• First-generation College Student Trailblazers: Meets the fourth Wednesday of each month
For more information, contact Nancy Lucero- Altamirano, assistant director of multicultural and community engagement, at (734) 384-4226 or nlucero@monroeccc.edu.

Free Job Search Assistance

The Office of Workforce Development (Employment Services) offers free job search assistance to Monroe County Community College students, alumni as well as members of the community. Whether seeking full or part-time employment on or off campus, the office may be a valuable resource for individuals seeking a career or just entering the job market. To learn more about our services, please visit College Central Network®.
In addition to the interactive job search website, the Office of Workforce Development assists students, alumni and Monroe County residents in the preparation or upgrade of their resume and career pursuit materials. You can learn more about this by registering at College Central Network®. Once registered, you can download your current resume for review and access many other career services. You can also make an appointment to meet with Barry Kinsey, director of workforce development, by calling (734) 384-4229. We look forward to assisting you.
Make Sure Your FAFSA is Complete!
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) allows students to have an opportunity to access grants, scholarships, work-study and low-interest student loans to help achieve their educational goals.
Please visit FAFSA.gov to complete the application. Students and parents are encouraged to use the data link with the IRS to complete the application. The Monroe County Community College school code is 002294.
If students need help completing the FAFSA application, they can stop by the Financial Aid Office in Room 101 of the Warrick Student Center. For more information, email fastudent@monroeccc.edu.
Submit to MCCC Happenings
The "MCCC Happenings" newsletter was created in response to student requests to minimize the number of emails sent to students. The intent of the newsletter is to provide students a simple place to learn about important information they need and events on campus. Ensure articles are written in third person as much as possible and are edited. Send articles to jhollis@monroeccc.edu in Microsoft Word by the appropriate deadlines for the Winter Semester editions. An "Upcoming Events" section is included at the beginning of every "MCCC Happenings" newsletter. This section links to upcoming events that appear in the online calendar of MCCC's website. Event notices may be submitted at any time to bwaldvogel@monroeccc.edu for inclusion on the website. Events should have a date, time, location and a description, all information must be included, or it will not be added.
The Office of the Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success has sole discretion regarding editing and what is published in MCCC Happenings. Deadlines are as follows:
Remaining Winter Semester Publication Dates:
Feb. 5, 2024 (Submission deadline: Jan. 22, 2024)
March 11, 2024 (Submission deadline: Feb. 26, 2024)
April 1, 2024 (Submission deadline: March 18, 2024)