Author Book Talk
October 27th at 2pm-3pm
Campbell Academic Center C-114
Great Lakes scientist and author Dr. John Hartig will be presenting his latest book, Great Lakes Champions.
Author Info:
John Hartig has 30 years of experience in ecosystem-based management and conservation. He is currently a Visiting Scholar at the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research at the University of Windsor. He serves as the chair of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan’s Great Lakes Way Advisory Committee and on the Board of Directors of the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy.
Book Info:
Great Lakes Champions
Grassroots Efforts to Clean Up Polluted Watersheds
By: John Hartig
Great Lakes Champions is the story of 14 people who love the Great Lakes and have led grassroots efforts to clean up some of the most polluted areas of these inland seas and inspired others to follow. They have had to persevere over decades and not give up in the face of adversity. They are well respected and trusted in their communities and are not in it for acclimation or commendation. They simply and profoundly love the Great Lakes, show reverence for them, and work tirelessly to pass them on as a gift to future generations. Their stories are compelling, provide proof that individuals can indeed change the ecosystems where they live, and will give hope to a new generation of champions.